Insights, Risk Management & Compensation

“Take risks, but don’t bet the company”

Insights, Strategy & Enterprise Risk Management

Risk versus return is a pivotal concept in ensuring business success. 3ONE Consulting Actuaries is perfectly positioned to balance these two opposing concepts through the use of our technical capabilities, data analysis, and technological infrastructure within our risk management offering.

With our guidance and expertise, our clients are supported in moulding their risk management strategies to ensure an optimal balance of risk versus return. Further, our actuaries maintain a business management mindset through past experience in assisting various organisations to review their strategies and turn around their longer-term outcomes. Our technical expertise is therefore balanced against an understanding of key business challenges such that our risk management advice is appropriately contextualised.

Finally, financial success is often achieved through ensuring the efficiency of business processes which are in place. Through the use of complex analytical techniques, 3ONE Consulting Actuaries can interrogate what is required to optimise the use of resources by an organisation in carrying out business as usual.

Why Choose Us

We have expertise in providing the below valued services:

Key Capabilities

Additional Actuarial Services​

Services Human Capital Consulting

Human Capital Consulting

Make use of our extensive experience and develop your business

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Services Compensation Calculations

Compensation Calculations

We use a highly robust software model for the valuation of any relevant amount

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Services Healthcare Consulting

Healthcare Consulting

We bring fresh energy, ideas and technical capability to the healthcare sector

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Services IAS19 & Funding Valuations

IAS19 & Funding Valuations

We assist in any exercise related to contingent employer promises and IAS19 liabilities 

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Move your business forward with a professional risk management analysis today

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9