In light of this recent occurrence, it is important to consider the expected impact of the VAT incre...
A solutions-based approach to identifying, quantifying and mitigating risk.
We’re a niche actuarial consulting firm led by three dynamic actuaries and business analysts whose experience and expertise span the Southern African markets.
As an established and proven provider of professional insights, 3ONE makes use of advanced actuarial science principles as well as leading intellectual property and advanced technology platforms, including models, technical capabilities and analytical techniques.
Our primary obligation as actuaries is that all advice is provided without bias, representing an accurate and objective opinion or recommendation. We believe in building meaningful partnerships and strive towards providing necessary research, data analysis, and professional insights to formulate a bigger picture and operational go-forward strategy to suit our clients’ specific business needs.
We believe in cultivating good relationships and encourage sustainable long-term strategic partnerships with each of our clients.
As actuaries with a passion for thinking differently, we employ the use of cutting-edge technology to deliver real time, real world solutions.
We work towards delivering practical outputs and advice to our clients that speak clearly to their unique circumstances.
We help you get a better understanding of your business and its operational processes
We use a highly robust software model for the valuation of any relevant amount
Product development &
pricing; Risk & experience
monitoring; Amalgamations;
Reserving & forecasting;
Member profiling;
Claims analysis;
Risk based capital modelling
Broker tools;
Benefit richness modelling;
Impact assessments;
Healthcare product
development & pricing;
Strategic consulting;
Liability risk management
& modelling
Subsidy policy amendments
and reviews;
Healthcare reviews and
Funding and liability
Loss of income calculations
and Road Accident Fund
claims; Damages claims
Crafting legislation;
Policy research & development;
Industry analysis and trending;
Amalgamation impact assessments
Risk profiling;
Analysis and dashboarding;
Cost-benefit analysis;
Provider profiling;
Diagnostic-related grouper
Practice cost studies and
feasibility analyses;
Network contracting;
Product development;
Tariff pricing.
Trend analysis & dashboarding;
Tariff setting and funder
Risk mitigation strategy;
Outcomes based assessments;
Practise cost studies
Expert witness reports;
Road Accident Fund claims;
Damages and loss of income claims
“The Scheme has received outstanding service and sound advice from 3ONE, and has found the quality of work, turnaround time, and reliability to be excellent.”
“3ONE has supported the Society in assessing the required contribution levels needed to achieve financial sustainability, doing so across the range of products offered.
3ONE have shown great knowledge of the healthcare funding industry, and delivered a quality project to the Society that was adopted as part of the ongoing strategy.”
“The Scheme has received outstanding service and sound advice”
“They have enabled the Scheme to better understand the opportunity and risk surrounding its position”
“Continue to be satisfied with the high standards of service and level of expertise”
“Very satisfied with 3ONE and would not hesitate in recommending them”
“The team is efficient, professional and readily available”
“Close link with the medical scheme market activity has provided the Scheme with valuable insight”
“An excellent working relationship”
“Level of service received from 3ONE was of the highest quality”
“Great understanding of the medical scheme environment, and the ability to provide quality analytical and consulting service within our greater organization”
“Quality of work and turnaround being of a high calibre”
“Would not hesitate recommending them”
In light of this recent occurrence, it is important to consider the expected impact of the VAT incre...
This arguably low increase, however, provides some much-needed relief to a private health care secto...
Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.
63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country
+12 (0) 345 678 9